Friday, March 26, 2010

A shark once bit my sister

Family Weekly Newsletter
Issue 3 Vol 3

Important Holidays: First Day of Passover

Weather:  Internet sources report that in CanCun one is not drunk 24/7 but that the actual ratio is 25/7. This is a world-wide phenomenon and if you plan on traveling there, please be sure you’re able to account for this difference.

Urbandictionary word of the day: Free-esta

A fiesta of free things.

The bar had a free-esta and Carinne came home with a new XXXXL PBR t-shirt.

Every first day of spring, Rita’s Italian Ice has a free-esta.

Song of the Week: Beer in Mexico, Kenny Chesney

Notable Accomplishments:  Logan scored his team’s last goal of their hockey season, which was also his first scored goal ever.  Tracy won first and second rounds of Bud Light’s “Quarters” and she goes to the final four this weekend. If she wins, she gets a trip to Vegas. It’s Carinne’s last day of her current job. Carinne won $50 in basketball pools so far. RE Jr currently scores 50th and 4th in two pools: compare to BK’s 70th and 188th, respectively.

Hypothetical Situation of the Week:  Would you rather:

a)      Canoe to Cuba?
b)      Jog to California?
c)      Bike to Toronto?
d)      Cross country ski across Antarctica?

FWN Member of the Week: Nicole!

If Nicole had to choose an extra finger or an extra toe, she’d pick the extra finger because that allows for more bling, and an extra toe would make it hard to wear her cute shoes. If she went to a bar and put green food coloring in her beer, her beer of choice would be Stella, but she’d prefer Grey Goose. Her breakfast was a Fiber One Peanut Butter and Oats bar. Lastly, she can hold her breath for approximately 20 seconds (can someone in DLM please verify this?).

Thanks! (clap clap clap clap clap)

Classifieds: If you’re interested in being a guest editor for next week’s issue, please let me know.

Look for more next time,

El Moolah
Senioritas and Margaritas
Official Editor 

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