Friday, March 19, 2010

The Original GTL

Family Weekly Newsletter
Issue 2 Vol 3

Important Holidays: Free Rita’s Ice Day, Aunt Lynne’s Birthday, First Day of Spring

Weather: As male peacocks puff out their feathers to attract attention, men during march madness will puff out their chests based on their pool results. However, with all of these upsets, this may quickly be replaced with faint mumblings of “stupid basketball… when is football season”?

Urbandictionary word of the day: verbal handcuffs

When someone won’t stop talking and you are trapped, forced to sit there and listen even though you’ve given many obvious clues that you’ve checked out of the conversation.

This week Carinne gave electronic handcuffs by flooding everyone’s work and personal emails and blackberries with messages updating on her life every ten seconds for two hours.

Song of the Week: American Woman, The Guess Who

Notable Accomplishments Carinne had a few beers and sent a record setting fifty emails to her family on Tuesday. Alex got her internship. Chloe got into the Masters of Education program at the university. Carinne also got a new job. Aunt Lynne has received a number of freebies since it is her birthday including: starbucks, smokey bones, red robin, houlihan’s, and quaker steak & lube. Ron Jr has won $20 in the block pool already.

Hypothetical Situation of the Week:  You’re given your regular salary, no more, no less, same vacation time, no more no less. But for two years, instead of doing your job, you do your dream job. What is it?
It has to be a real position, not like a professional sit on your couch and watch BS TV all day. “Dale” is a weirdo person, not a job title.

FWN Member of the Week: Aunt Lynne!

Turning “half a century plus one” feels like turning half a century, just less fanfare. Her favorite dessert is Mum Mum’s cheese cake. If travel time were the same, she’d take the train so she could see the country side (over car, plane, and boat). Lastly, her favorite class in high school was German.

Thanks! (clap clap clap clap clap)

Classifieds: Editor needs new croc flip flops. Black, please.  

Look for more next time,

The Paris Hilton of Trenton
New Jersey: not part of the US
Official Editor

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