Friday, May 1, 2009

An Evening with El Diablo

FamiliSemanal Boletín
N° 7 Mayo 2009

Días festivos: May Day, Cinco de Mayo

Tiempo: ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace calor, hace frio, hace sol, hace viento, está lloviendo, está graniza, está nevando. El sol se establecerán, la luna se elevará. So just pass the coronas already, okay? And I could use some guacamole for these tacos!

Estudio Especial de Vacaciones: Thanks for your participation in the survey! Our results show:
- 93% of FWN recipients prefer a fiesta (party animals!). 7% wanted a siesta.
- The margarita issue: split 50/50, perfectly even, with both salt/no salt and frozen/shaken. But let’s be honest, do you turn down any kind of margarita?  Negativa!
- 0% of you like burritos best. 7% prefer tacos. 36% like the quesadillas, and the winner is fajitas with 57%! Looks like you have all your stats for drinks and food for a Mexican fiesta! Be sure to include toppings: steak, chicken, beef, peppers, lots of peppers, globs of sour cream, guacamole, mushrooms, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheese, avocado, and a taco bell on the side.

Urbandictionary la Palabra del Día: Cigarbage (credit to BK for this one)

Any wrapper, ashes, stubs, mess left from cigar smoking.

One man’s cigarbage is another man’s Cuban.

Canción de la Semana: Harry Belafonte, Banana Boat Song (oh trust me, you all know this one. Preview it on iTunes. You’ll remember… It’s also not exactly Spanish. But hey, Jamaica is close enough! Ya mon!)

Grandes éxitos: Cam is going to Kennywood for the annual School Picnic in the Rain tomorrow. Nate has returned to swimming at Sarah Heinz. Alex is finishing year 2 of higher education. Ronno Jr is going to CigarFest with UM and 2 husbands, Mark and Barry. This is reportedly known as “Old Fogies, or is that Old Stogies, Gone Wild.” Nicole’s golf outing raised over $5000 for the stroke association. At this event, R Jr won a basket of herbs, Cam got a golf towel, Nate got a t-shirt. AJ survived the March of Dimes walk, raising $45000. UM kicked CP butt in trivia on Wednesday; also he was #49 out of everyone playing in the nation for the “Sci-Files” game.

Situación Hipotética de la Semana: You are Dr _____ (Spanish-itize your name) and you have just recently finished your pHd. Anyway onward to the question: Would You Rather
a)      be a professional piñata holder (so you hold as they swing)
b)      be the person who fell asleep, in 90 degree sunshine, wearing nothing but a sombrero (and no suntan lotion)
c)      be on the product testing team for a hot pepper farm
d)      have a Mexican mariachi band live upstairs and walls so thin that you can hear their rehearsals incessantly?

FWN Miembro de la Semana: Ramon!

Ramon is furry. He likes to lick things, eat things, and drink things. He doesn’t really bark, it’s more of a “yip”, and he does that a lot. Ramon is very small, and could easily fit inside of a sombrero.

Gracias! (aplaudir aplaudir aplaudir aplaudir aplaudir)

Clasificados: Nada

Learn Spanish via FWN membersFiesta! Uno cervesa por favor! Uno cervesa fria. Bada mi, por favor! Arriba! Adios Amigos! Ai Karumba! Aye Carrumba! Feliz Navidad Amigo (the editor’s personal favorite response)! Mi casa es su casa (another good one, from she who was reportedly voted Spanish queen?)! No mas! Buenos Dias! I LOVE MEXICANA FOODA (note: not actual Spanish)! “Meesta Meesta, Get. Me. Outta here!” bonus points for the editor if she knows what this is from (also not actual Spanish).

Puedes buscar más la próxima vez,

Seniorita Cariñño 
Ay caramba!
Editor Oficial

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