Friday, March 11, 2011

Jumanji Scrabble: The world played comes true

Family Weekly Newsletter
Issue 1 Vol 4
Editor’s Note: Welcome to the fourth volume of the FWN! You've all been distracted by the March Madnezz.... And the finals are reported below! Three years we’ve documented this insanity, pretty exciting. But this issue isn’t the celebration issue – look for it upcoming in the near future!

Important Holidays: St Patrick’s Day

Weather:   Just below the rainbow is a giant pot of--- gold? Sort of – it’s a keg of shimmering, golden Bud Light. Ahh, bud light. (Ad campaign anyone?). Hopefully some rainbows are in the future! Happy St. Pat’s Day Leprochauns/Leprochaunettes!  

Urbandictionary word of the day: productive procrastination
Doing things, that while useful, puts off the real task.

CP: Well, I did my laundry, bought the fam some more beer, and vacuumed your car.
Ronno: That’s just great but have you cleaned up the hot tub disaster yet? No? NO! Stop this productive procrastination.

Song of the Week: Kid Cudi & Kanye West “Erase Me”

Notable Accomplishments:  Congrats to the winner of the FWN march madness tournament- HEATHER! She beat out MM with the random number draw, she had 6 MM had 4 and 6 was picked.  Lexy started softball and got a stylish new haircut. Nate got a job, his braces off, lettered in swimming, and takes the SAT tomorrow. Cam starts his first spring break. Carinne goes back to school tonight – who takes classes on a Friday? This is reminiscent of the 4pm o-chem course she had sophomore year… Friday torture. Alex visited Altar Bar, formerly Sanctuary, ‘where all your sins are forgiven and encouraged’. In addition to cursed pants, Carinne now has cursed undergarments. At this rate, she will have an entire wardrobe of "cursed" to donate to an enemy, which will likely work better than a voodoo doll.

Hypothetical Situation of the Week:   You are a lady/gentleman of the night. What’s your street name? For example – Ginge Invitus. Toothbrush included – beware of oral diseases.

FWN Member of the Week: Marco!  

Marco’s nickname as a kid was Tucci, and reportedly “back in my day I had hair”. If he had to have fake facial/head hair somewhere, he would choose long flowing locks like Rapunzel. For lunch today he had pizza with mushrooms, banana peppers, and black olives (yum).

Thanks! (clap clap clap clap clap)

Classifieds: Warning, adding food coloring to make your beer green will also make your mouth green. Better option – drop a peanut m&m in there. The beer will take the color without dying your mouth and then you have beer & peanuts! (both accounts known from controlled sciencey experimentation)

Look for more next time,

Mayor McCarinne
Luck o’ the green beer
Official Editor

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