Friday, February 18, 2011


Family Weekly Newsletter
Issue 50 Vol 3

Important Holidays: Talk like a Pirate Day (by R Jr), also I forgot UM/T Anniversary Last week

Weather:   The upcoming occluded front could cause some bipolar tendencies in anyone who likes to get dressed in the morning for the entire day. Wearing jeans? Not so! It will be 100C by sundown. Wearing a skirt? Sorry sucka! Snow up to the cankles!

Urbandictionary word of the day: Hangry
So hungry you are on the verge of being angry.

Nate: Wood not edible! NATE SMASH CHAIR!
BK: No need to get hangry. I’m making some mac and cheese. While you wait, you can have some broccoli.

Song of the Week: Rolling in the Deep, Adele

Notable Accomplishments:  Nate survived swim season and got first place in the fly last night. Carinne got in her first outdoor jog of 2011.  

Hypothetical Situation of the Week:   There is a button. Do you press the button?  

FWN Member of the Week: Barson!  

Alex's most recent text message was "so were you still coming home this weekend or no?". Yesterday she was having a drafternoon on the roof with a Sam Adams Noble Pils. If Alex could have a superpower, she'd fly. Lastly, Alex enjoys coffee with creamer and sugar.

Thanks! (clap clap clap clap clap)

Classifieds: Nada

Look for more next time,

C. Paige
carinnie mouse
Official Editor of FWN

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