Family Weekly Newslettah
Issue 3 Vol 8
Impourtahnt Hoolidays: Royal Wedding
Weathah: Cheerio! And you thought that quarter-centennial birthday hat would not go to good use. Dust it off today friends ‘cause today you can wear it in public without ridicule. It’s like wearing spandex on Halloween – as long as it’s associated with the holiday, it’s fine.
Urbandicshunnary word of the day: Backseat browser (british translation: bahkseat brawsah)
Looking over someone’s shoulder while they are on the internet, providing instructions on where to look, click, etc.
Carinne: Okay now click here – click here – now write “Carinne is the BEST” and click share –
Nate: HEY! I know this will be shared with all of my friends. Sop being a backseat browser.
Sawng of the Weak: Ubi Caritus, sung by Westminster Abbey and Chapel Royal Choir, written by Paul Mealor
Notahble Accomplishments: It’s that time of year again where the gentlemen pay homage to all things smoky and tobacco-y – aka cigarfest. Alex finished her senior thesis. Rest in peace to the Sevin’s dog, Angel.
Hypothetical Sitchuation of the Weak: If April showers bring May flowers, what do April tornadoes bring?
FWN Member of the Weak: Nicole!
“Their song” at Nicole’s wedding was Huey Lewis/Gwyneth Paltrow’s Cruisin (originally made by Smoky Robinson). If required to lose either a finger or a toe, Nicole would lose a finger since, reportedly, it is “tough to have 5 short fat fingers on one hand”. The last song she heard was Honeybee by Blake Shelton. Lastly, she doesn’t remember what she wanted to be when she grew up as a kid, but her aunt always tried to convince her to be a nun.
Thanks! (clap clap clap clap clap)
Classifieds: Fish and chips heah, fish and chips!
Look for more next time,
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