The clock ticked by slowly on a Friday afternoon in March. I was still an undergraduate then, working towards a Bachelor's in Chemistry. Every Friday I did filing and paperwork for a department at school. As soon as my pile of work was done, I was free to do as I pleased. Usually the job took 45 minutes and I had 3.25 hours to kill.
That's how it started. Just a normal Friday afternoon. It was the end of the week - of course, I could get started on next week's assignments, but any knowledge obtained would have been forgotten during the intox of the weekend.
My family always wanted to know what I was up to.... So here we go. I did a weekly recap, a forecast of what was to come, and a few extras. Typed it all up and sent it out - plain and simple - as an outlook email.
The first few editions were responded to with some skepticism, although my family did, does, and will likely forever do, a great job of humoring me. The selected member-of-the-week would respond to my meddlesome questions. Text messages would come in with notable accomplishments, to which my grandmother would inquire "who what where when?". She would have been a great reporter. And of course, after every edition, all of us would unwind from all of our respective places in the world, with their humorous, serious, and creative responses to the hypothetical situation of the week.
As time went on word spread casually; extended family members wanted in on the nonsense, close friends applied to subscribe as well. The current recipient count has gone up from a measly seven to a comfortable twenty-something (like my age). It is a Friday ritual that the newsletter is sent out, I get about half-a-dozen 'out of office' messages, and then the chaos begins with responses and bantering. It's family dinner and everyone around the globe is armed with a spork.