Below are the main components that go into every issue (and we have some bonuses here and there). For every category the fam/friends often send in suggestions when they come across something notable.
Important Holidays: When I am editor, I like to keep it simple, birthdays, anniversaries, major holidays. When we have guest editors, they like to branch out. My dad likes to call me to tell me it's "talk like a pirate day" and I should include it.
Weather: It's difficult to get an accurate forecast when the fam is spread all over. The newsletter does its best to summarize.
Urbandictionary Word of the Day: Sometimes it's a word from; sometimes it is one we made up. Examples are usually involving characters that are actually on the newsletter alias.
Song of the Week: Whatever we feel like, for any reason or no reason at all.
Notable Accomplishments: Weekly successes, failures, and headlines.
Hypothetical Situation of the Week: Voted the favorite part of the newsletter, the HSOTW is all completely, 100% made up, usually on the spot. Typically they are absolutely ridiculous and are intended to be random. Usually, recipients reply-all to the email chain with their answers and the banter begins, and it's the best part of the newsletter. Some readers disqualify other reader's answers or offer their ridicule.
Member of the Week: A randomly selected member that is profiled. Typically if your birthday is in the upcoming week, you will be MOTW.
Classifieds: Please purchase a copy of your local newspaper and look for the classifieds for an example. Basically, this is craigslist for our fam.
Another good breakdown of the newsletter can be seen in the 99th issue spectacular: Hot beer, bad food, lousy service.