Family Weekly Newsletter
Issue 25 Vol 3
Important Holidays: Mark’s birthday, Barson’s 22nd
Weather: An ancient proverb says to count the number of cricket chirps in a 14-second timeframe. Add 40 to that number to get the temperature within 1 degree. Any scientists who want to test this?
Urbandictionary word of the day: daycay
A one-day vacation, such as to the shore, a theme park, or simply brewskis in the backyard.
Carinne’s daycays usually include a mani/pedi+HH however usually the next morning at work is rough.
Song of the Week: Cheap Trick, I want you to want me
Notable Accomplishments: RE Jr&Fam are now the proud owners of a hot tub. Nate is head of the construction in making space for the hot tub (now all it needs is an internal kegerator). First day of school for many was this week, both middle, high, undergrad, and grad. Liz enjoyed Napa Valley.
Hypothetical Situation of the Week: Would you rather be filthy rich & f’ugly or dirt poor but gorgeous?
FWN Member of the Week: Alex!
Alex's current desktop background on her new computer is a picture of Jess, Jenn, Greg and herself at the Annual Halloween party dressed as superheroes (guess we all know who the favorites are). Her most recent text message, either sent or received, unedited, is "Hangover!". So far this semester her most enjoyed class is the History of the American Revolution. Lastly, given the choice of a handstand or cartwheel she'd pick headstand since she was queen of those as a kid, even though it wasn't even an option, so you lose.
Thanks! (clap clap clap clap clap)
Classifieds: Lexy is fundraising by selling cups; please contact UM/T for more details if needed.
Look for more next time,
C. Paige
Countess de la Riffraff
Official Editor