Family Weekly Newsletter
Issue 20 Vol 1
Important Holidays: Wedding Anniversary
Weather: A party is in the vicinity for LV as Bev & Ron are leaving for vacation next week. A messy house and dirty dishes are expected to take over. A beer pong front will enter the living room and likely will be in place for the next week.
Urbandictionary word of the day: double fisting
Holding two alcoholic beverages, one in each hand, so you can drink both.
Check out Carinne’s picture at the Pirate game to see some double fisting action!
Song of the week: Johnny Cash, Ring of Fire
Notable Accomplishments: As a recap for last week’s beer pong tourney, a few unexpected twists were thrown into the match. Future MILFs of America were knocked out in the first round, causing the big upset for the tournament. Team Sober turned out to be the surprise of the event as they did better than experts predicted. West Virginia pulled out the lead by defeating team Rocky and Rambo, Team Sober, and Drunk Old Men, gaining the cup. The cocky members of Rocky & Rambo aka MXC were thrown out of the tournament quickly, despite good gaming skills. The final Standings:
1. West Virginia
2. Drunk Old Men
3. Real Pong Players of Genious
4. Team Sober
5. Future MILFs of America
6. Rocky/Rambo/MXC
We’re all excited for next year’s tournament.
Hypothetical Situation of the Week: You’re having a theme party. What’s the theme? (It’s not occurring around any holiday. Pretend it’s happening tonight.)
Family Member of the Week: Honorary FMotW, Ruby, Aunt Jul’s dog. Aunt Jul is a recent addition to the FWN subscription. By special application she has requested to be a recipient. Her request has been accepted.
Ruby died this week. She was twelve years old, and quite a wonderful dog. Born in North Carolina, and moved to PA, she was happy and lived a full life until the end. She will be greatly missed.
Thanks! (No claps, silent honor.)
Classifieds: Carinne is still jobless. She is thinking of applying to the DM School of Professionally Sitting In Your Car All Day. In this program, she would learn such high quality skills as waxing her bald head, being the LV Lance Armstrong, hockering, going to bars and ordering water and not tipping, and other skills that a professional creeper needs.
Look for more next time,
Now I’m no better than your average homeless girl.
Someone sign me up for welfare.
College Class of 2008