Friday, March 28, 2008

news and jazz

Family Weekly Newsletter 
Issue 3 Vol 1
Important Holidays:  April Fools
Weather:  We’re heading out of March like a lion; Jagerbomb showers with a statewide warning for the chance of April Fools.
Urbandictionary word of the day:  Lawyer Ball
The art of playing the rules instead of playing a game. For example, trying to work out a walk in slow-pitch softball. Swing the bat, you puss!
Also applicable to weenies who demand free throws after the slightest contact in a pick-up basketball game and d-bags who take yardage penalties in backyard football games.
Pops: Hit it out of the park, boy!Son: Don't pressure me, I'm trying to work the count.Pops: Don't play lawyer ball, son.
Song of the week: Peter Gunn, Henry Mancini
Notable Accomplishments: We had a pre-50 birthday and a class clown in our family
Hypothetical Situation of the Week: You’ve got forty boxes of marshmallow peeps filling up your kitchen. You HATE peeps. What the heck do you do with them?
Family Member of the WeekMum-mum, for the pdiddy mac n cheese.
She was born in her house in Freeport. Her favorite farm animal was the baby pig. Her first car was when she got married, a chevy (what year? And model?). Her favorite dessert is peach pie.
Thanks! (clap clap clap clap clap clap)
Classifieds: Carinne's black croc flip flops have been missing for some time now, and she's starting to get seriously concerned. After searching her room at school and room at home, they are nowhere to be found. Any information leading to their safe return will result in a reward.
Look for more next time,
The Final Countdown.
College Class of 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I’m sending this because apparently I am Carinne’s personal ASSistant for the day. 
Carinne I can’t believe you didn’t mark this as Mr. Rogers Day.  Does everyone have their sweaters on?
family weekly newsletter
Issue 2 Vol 1
Issue comes out early because of people being off of work tomorrow.
Important Holidays:  Easter, Good Friday, Festival of Extraterrestrial Abductions Day, Free Rita's Day
Weather: Green beer drizzles with a 90% chance of dyed egg droppings
Urbandictionary word of the day:  alcoholiday
A protracted happy party in which large quantities of alcohol are consumed. It can also be used while at a bar. Basically, if you're piss-drunk, you've had an alcoholiday.
I'm taking an alcoholiday, or I need an alcoholiday.
Song of the week: Hallelujah chorus, by various churches
Notable Accomplishments:  Carinne got second place in a ½ mile race! The pizza place in Gettysburg made their pizza dough with green crust!
Hypothetical Situation of the Week: Let's say you're offered 2.5 Million dollars for your right arm. Do you give it?
Family Member of the Week: Lynne 
She was born at Allegheny General Hospital (up for dispute). If she could be backstage at any musician, she would see Bette Midler. Her prom dress was multi-pastel colored. Her favorite movie is the Holy Grail.
Thanks! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY (clap clap clap clap clap clap)
Look for more next time,
Happy St Patrick's Day
(McCarinne for the week)
College Class of 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008


family weekly newsletter
Issue 1 Vol 1

Important Holidays: Pi Day! 3.14!

Weather: Sunshine with a chance of a hangover.

Urbandictionary word of the day: boo

1. Boyfriend or girlfriend. Can you handle me? If you can't you ain't gonna be my boo.
2. Word used to scare people.     Guy: BOO!   Guy 2: Holy sh*t!

Song of the week: Europe, “THE FINAL COUNTDOWN”

Hypothetical Situation of the Week: Let’s say you go out for a long night of drinking. And it’s a blast. Somewhere in there your friends sign you up for karaoke and, you’re like, sure, what have I got to lose? The next day, you wake up and have to be at class in an hour. You’re a little groggy, but eh, let’s face it, you’ve had worse. So your room mate knocks on your door and you’re ready to go.

Walking to class, you realize that your state of being isn’t a hangover. You realize… you’re still drunk.
Do you
a)      Continue to p-chem, and sit through it?
b)      Turn around, go back to bed?
c)      Turn around, get a beer? (Well I woke up this mornin’ and I got myself a beer)…
d)     Other?

Family Member of the Week: Bev!

                Fun facts: Bev neglected to respond to the fun facts questionnaire within a reasonable time frame. No fun facts. Better luck next time!

Look for more next time,

Happy St Patrick’s Day
(McCarinne for the week)
College Class of 2008